The Untold Aquarius Zodiac Crystal

This whole time we have been doing it all wrong. The aquamarine crystal should have been the Aquarius zodiac crystal or the February birthstone.

Throw away your belief of amethyst being your crystal and adopt aquamarine instead. Don’t literally throw away your amethyst; they are a helpful crystal to have too. Keep the idea of an aquamarine birthstone near and dear to your heart.

This article is all about why Aquarians need aquamarine.



Before we dive into the best crystal for Aquarius, let’s explore the Aquarius horoscope. Who knows, you may find out something you did not know!

Did you know that Aquarius is the last air sign in the zodiac?

Despite Aquarius having ‘aqua’ in its name, it is not a water sign. Air signs operate using air energy. Air energy is all about the mind. This sign is considered very intellectual, curious, and even social.

You might be raising an eyebrow at being social due to being mislabeled as aloof and distant. The reasons can be either: sometimes they get so caught up in their visions that they neglect those around them. On the other hand, they don’t do well with trivial small talk- they like to have meaningful conversations. Conversations based on gossip or people-pleasing niceties don’t bode well for Aquarians.

Social abilities are so important to this zodiac sign that they tend to be passionate about interpersonal dynamics. There is a heavy emphasis on being about to communicate with others, regardless of the type of setting. Whether it is one-to-one, one-to-group, or group-to-group. Aquarians do excel in teamwork and collaboration due for this very reason.

There is a sensitive side to Aquarius that tends to be overlooked. Although they are mislabeled as aloof and distant, this sign requires love, appreciation, and support! What human beings doesn’t?!

Aquarians are the most innovative, progressive, rebellious, nontraditional, and humanitarian of all the zodiac signs. They absolutely believe in and love to contribute to the greater good. Visionaries of the future that seek to bring their knowledge and expertise to the mass to create a better way of life.

Don’t you think the Aquarius crystal should be best matched to those born under this sign?

What Does the ‘Aqua’ in Aquarius Mean?

So where does the ‘aqua’ in Aquarius come from?

Well, Aquarius is represented by the water bearer. The water bearers help to move water to areas that are needed. While air cannot directly produce water, it can move it from one place to another.

Think about it. Wind can move rain clouds from one part of your city to another. It helps spread hydration to places that need it and those that don’t, but who is asking? The depiction of Aquarius pouring water can also stand for washing away the past or unproductivity. This one is up to personal interpretation.

As mentioned before, Aquarians are excellent at teamwork and collaboration. They don’t need to produce the water, but they can help to distribute it and feel just as accomplished. Due to their passionate understanding of interpersonal dynamics, they can do this seamlessly.

Aquamarine Crystal

Aquamarine is the BEST crystal for Aquarius, and here’s why:

  • It is the stone of courage
  • Blocks negative energies
  • Contains calming energies that can reduce stress and quiet the mind
  • Harmonizes surroundings and protects the wearer against pollutants
  • Has an affinity for sensitive people
  • Invokes tolerance of others and overcomes judgementalism
  • Gives support to those who are overwhelmed by responsibility
  • Encourages you to take responsibility for yourself
  • Supports personalities that are upright, persistent, and dynamic
  • Assists in breaking habits and self-deprecating behaviors
  • Clarifies perception sharpens the intellect and clears confusion
  • Clears blocked communication and promotes self-expression
  • Helps you to understand why you are in the emotional state you are in and interpret how you feel.
  • Soothes fears and increases sensitivity.
  • Sharpens intuition and opens clairvoyance

Aquarius Zodiac Crystal: Why Aquamarine?

Aquamarine crystal for Aquarius is a match made in heaven. In fact, it needs to be officially known as its birthstone. Don’t believe me, read why below:

  • Aquamarine crystal supports collaboration and having an intellectual mindset – Aquarians are intellectuals; if they feel unstimulated, they can start to feel weighed down and unfulfilled in life.
  • Gentle, calming energy is excellent for reducing stress – which Aquarians can easily succumb to
  • Provides support when you are feeling overwhelmed by responsibility
  • Frees you from self-defeating behaviors, habits, and stress
  • Perfect for helping you focus – Aquarians tend to be disorganized due to their intuitive thinking. It allows you to filter information and remove extraneous thoughts à Sharpens intuition, and opens clairvoyance
  • Aquarians are visionaries, and aquamarines support high states of consciousness – can facilitate interpreting these visions and transferring them into the present. It is often connected to the ‘greater good’ of humanity (humanitarian trait).
  • Helps to align your purpose with your experiences
  • Clears away blocked communication and promote self-expression
  • Invokes tolerance of others

How to Wear Aquamarine

If you are trying to obtain the benefits of the aquamarine birthstone, then you should wear it according to its use. Who would have thought placement matters?!

aquarius crystal


Wearing aquamarine as close to your throat as possible supports transparent and effective communication. It promotes self-expression this way as well.

The left side of Your Body

The left side of your body is responsible for absorbing energy. Wear this crystal on your left side if you are trying to:

  • Absorb its calming energies
  • Improve your focus
  • Obtain support
  • Improving communication
  • Invoke tolerance
  • Boost self-expression

The right side of Your Body

The right side of your body is responsible for expelling energies and creating barriers. Wearing the Aquamarine crystal on the right side will:

  • Assist in the expulsion of self-deprecating behaviors and breaking habits
  • Clear away block communication
  • Blocks negative energy

On Your Forehead

Yup, you read that one right! You can wear aquamarine as a pretty forehead jewelry piece or take time in your day when you place the crystal to experience these benefits:

  • Sharpen intuition
  • Improve clairvoyance – there are 4 main types of ‘Clairs,’ this method of wearing can enhance 3 of them. Learn more about them here. Achieve higher states of consciousness.


Aquamarine earrings are always beautiful. Here’s how wearing them as earrings can benefit you.

  • Sharpen intuition
  • Improve clairaudience
  • Achieve higher states of consciousness

Learn more about how to wear crystal jewelry for maximum benefits here.

Honorable Mentions: Companion Aquarius Crystals

While aquamarine is a must-have, it is not the only beneficial crystal for Aquarius. Try considering these crystals too!


Moonstone is an all-time favorite crystal. Not only is it beautiful, but it is known as the stone of new beginnings. It is a glorious crystal for soothing emotional instability and stress. Place the crystal on your solar plexus to draw out old emotional patterns.


Labradorite is phenomenal for developing your intuition and linking you to universal consciousness. It helps to connect your intellectual thought process with intuitive wisdom. This powerful crystal is a must-have for Aquarians seeking or going through change.


Okay, okay, so don’t replace all your amethyst with aquamarine. Amethyst is a confounding crystal to have as well. I recommend looking into this crystal regardless of if you are born during the sun sign of Aquarius because it is just that great.

Amethyst assists Aquarians with ways to put their visions of the future into practice.


Fluorite helps you to link your experiences to your purpose and the lessons that need to be learned to further yourself. Also, it allows you to organize and maintain organization in your life, making it incredibly useful to those who feel their life is out of control.


Celestite is perfect for Aquarians on their spiritual journey because of its ability to connect them to the spiritual realm. It supports enlightenment and makes it easier to progress your spiritual development.

If you ever become distracted, celestite will realign you. Sometimes Aquarians need to facilitate change can cause conflict with those around them; celestite is outstanding for conflict resolution.

This concludes the list of other best crystals for Aquarius. These are excellent crystals for Aquarius woman and men. Overall, aquamarine is the most essential. The other mentioned crystals provide additive benefits.