9 Shocking Herbs to Prevent Colds

Are you someone who gets sick ‘easily’?

Or maybe you are preparing for a trip and would like to take cautionary steps to ensure you don’t come down with something. Whatever the case, knowing various ways to keep yourself healthy is good.

The methods discussed are preventatives. This means that once you become sick, these will not be miracle workers that will automatically make you feel better. They are preventatives for a reason.

This article focuses on the use of herbs to prevent colds.

The Truth About Herbal Remedies and the Use of Herbs to Prevent Colds

As mentioned, these methods are to prevent you from getting sick. While they are also suitable for while you are sick as well, they do not work as some miracle. It works best through continuous repetition. The natural vitamins, minerals, or antioxidants some of these herbs offer takes time to accumulate in the body to make an impact. Thus, it’s imperative to understand that if you come down with a cold, it won’t just go away by using one or more of these methods instantaneously.

There needs to be a common understanding of the use of holistic alternatives. They are not miracle workers. While medicine is derived from herbs and plants, it has been specifically engineered to target specific areas of our bodies to provide quick relief. The same does not apply when consuming these herbs and plants whole. The effect is on a broader scale; thus, the time has to be permitted for your body to process them to reap the benefits.

Using any of these herbs to prevent colds will help to keep your body in tip-top shape and decrease the likely hood of becoming sick with any seasonal sickness such as a cold or flu.

1. Neti Pot

While this is not an herb, it is one of my favorite holistic preventative methods for keeping myself healthy. Neti Pots are used to rinse debris and mucus from your nasal passages. When used as a preventative, use it at least once a week. This incredible tool helps clear away any bacteria you inhale through your nose and mucus that may be hard to blow out.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies or sinus issues, this needs to be your best friend. They work better than any nasal spray. Just make sure to follow the instructions on your neti pot!

2. Moringa Seed

Moringa seeds are another excellent herb to prevent colds packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Take 1 seed a day to reap its benefits. If you are sick, 1 to 2 seeds a day will help you to combat it and speed up your recovery.

Avoid this holistic preventative if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Moringa has such a powerful effect on your body that it could help to prevent pregnancy. In some places, it is considered a natural method of birth control. It only works for the duration of you consistently taking it.

3. Cloves

Cloves are a natural antiseptic. It is commonly known to be used for toothaches, but have you ever heard that it is crucial to keep your mouth healthy? This is because your mouth gets exposed to so many microbial organisms (i.e., bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.). Using toothpaste that contains cloves is a wonderful way to keep your mouth healthy and limit the number of bacteria.

Clove-based toothpaste is beneficial for those who suffer from frequent sore throats.

4. Ginger

Ginger is another superb antioxidant for fending off any viral infection, which makes it an amazing contender for herbs that prevent colds. It can be ingested as tea or even a capsule. This wonderful herb prevents colds and offers various benefits, such as upset stomach relief.

Dosage: dried C, fresh D

5. Thyme

Thyme has antifungal, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. It helps treat problems affecting the ear, nose, throat, and chest by disinfecting air passages, soothing coughs, and clearing mucus. It is best used as tea.

Dosage C


6. Elderberry

Elderberries improve the body’s resistance to infection and decrease the likelihood of recurring colds, sore throats, and coughs. They are packed with high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants. It can be consumed as a tea, liquid extract, syrup, or capsule.

Dosage A

7. Sea Buckthorn

Sea buckthorn contains high levels of minerals and vitamins A and C. It helps to prevent colds and sore throats. Sea buckthorn can be consumed as dried berries, tea, juice, oil, and capsules.

Dosage M, C

8. Echinacea

Echinacea has antibacterial and antifungal properties while also being known to enhance the immune system. It is available in the form of tea, capsule, and tablet.

Dosage B

9. Elecampane

Elecampane, an herb to prevent colds, has antibacterial properties and works as an expectorant. Expectorants are helpful when dealing with a lot of mucus. This works exceptionally well with thyme. Sometimes one of the tell-tale signs of becoming sick is a noticeable increase in mucus production. Before that becomes uncontrollable, this herb helps to break up that mucus. Consume as a tea or capsule.

Dosage B

These are the recommended dosages for the herbs to prevent colds mentioned above. Make sure you look at the charts for the correct dosages and match the dosage with the letters given under the herb. This chart is used as a reference when a manufacturing recommendation is not provided, mostly when making tea or consuming dried plants.

These dosages given below are for generally healthy individuals. If you are taking any medication, please consult your doctor before taking any herbals or plants to ensure they will not conflict with your prescriptions or conditions.

Herbs to Prevent Colds Dosage Chart

Using Herbs to Prevent Colds Is A Small Step In Holistic Living

Holistic Living is the practice of considering our whole body when making a decision. Adopting a preventative method to care for our bodies is an awesome way to practice living holistically. It is more than simply taking an herb to prevent colds. It is all about considering our entire well-being.

Let’s face it; no one likes to get sick. Becoming sick can hinder our plans and cause unnecessary mental, emotional and physical hardship. Become proactive in your life; start today!

If you want to understand more about holistic living, click here.