Holistic Doctors, 3 Easy Tips To Finding Them

Finding doctors that practice holistic health care is possible. It may take a little more work to see a doctor that aligns with what you are looking for. However, it is well worth the effort!

Looking for a doctor is not an easy task. It can be time-consuming and frustrating. However, it is an important one. Not only to find a doctor but the doctor.

While searching, you may have heard about holistic doctors but are unsure what they are. You may be asking questions like:

  • What does a holistic doctor do?
  • Is a holistic doctor a real doctor?
  • What do holistic doctors believe?
  • Do holistic doctors believe in medicine?

This article is all about holistic doctors and answering your questions to help guide you on how to find one.

holistic doctor practices

What Does a Holistic Doctor Do?

Holistic doctors treat their patients as a whole rather than looking at a specific issue. This means that if you are having a problem, the doctor works with you instead of just treating that particular issue to find the underlying reason.

Once the reason is found, they will work with you to resolve that and your issues. If the problems encountered are not within their specialty, they will be able to recommend the certified specialist to further help you.

Although you receive that recommendation, it does not mean your holistic doctor will be completely hands-off. They will work with the specialist to ensure their treatment recommendations follow the specialists.

Holistic doctors tend to actively use preventative treatments. This will be paired with what works best for the patient. And yes, holistic doctors believe in medicine.

Is a Holistic Doctor a Real Doctor?

Yes, holistic doctors are real doctors. Any doctor can be a holistic doctor. It is all about how they treat their patients and their beliefs.

Every doctor has the choice of how they choose to interact with their patients.

Understand that you can find a doctor that has holistic values. They do not need to actively portray themselves as holistic doctors. It is just a fancy label that some have placed on themselves to entice those that do not fully understand what makes a doctor holistic.

For instance, I consider myself to be a holistic pharmacist. There is no set title for it, but I incorporated those values. I have also worked with doctors that did as well. However, they did not call themselves holistic doctors.

What do Holistic Doctors Believe?

Holistic doctors believe in treating the whole patient. Previously in The Hidden Treasure: Holistic Health, I explained the 5 core principles of holistic health. They are:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Social
  • Spiritual

All 5 of these principles make up the entirety of us. Any type of imbalance in any of these areas will impact the others. For a further breakdown of this concept, check out the article!

Holistic doctors try to look into all of these principles to determine the underlying issue. Many believe that when you have a physical ailment, it could stem from something else. To honestly treat the patient, these other areas should be considered.

It is an understanding that if these core areas are not considered, the patient may have the same reoccurring issues. At least until the cause is figured out.

When I worked in a hospital clinic, many patients kept coming in for the same monthly. Personally, with my patients, I started to work with them on more things than simply what they were coming in for. It took time, but eventually, we could find the core issue.

Once that was addressed, their health took a turn for the best! Some issues were simple, while others took a while. It depends on the patient and how well the doctor can establish a relationship.

How To Find A Holistic Doctor

Finding a holistic doctor may be a little tricky. Simply because many doctors do not openly call themselves holistic doctors. The ones that do generally do not accept insurance.

Although I say that, I still recommend looking at the holistic doctors in your area to check if they accept insurance. Use your member portal provider search through your insurance company website to determine if they are within your network.

If they do not, no worries! There are other ways to find your doctor. It’ll just take some time and research.

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Alternative Medicine Medical Symbol

Checking With Your Insurance Company

I recommend checking with your health care insurance provider search in your member portal. Some portals will allow you to filter your results to show doctors that practice holistic health values.

If your insurance company does not have that filter feature, you will have to do a little more work. I recommend conducting a search online for doctors who practice holistic health.

Look for integrative health doctors if holistic is not available within the filters. Naturopathic doctors can be used too.

Another method could be to try calling your insurance company to see if they have a list of doctors who believe in holistic care. You may get lucky and speak with someone knowledgeable about their provider selection.

It gets tricky if the provider you want is not available to be covered by your insurance. You could ask for a referral request. However, it is not guaranteed to be approved, and you may have to complete some alternatives they require before proceeding.

This would be the last case scenario. I am sure you’ll be able to find a provider within your health insurance network.

Online Resources to Look for Holistic Doctors

You can try using these databases if you cannot find one while looking through your member portal. They can help you find doctors certified by different medical organizations that align with holistic health. Some of these organizations are:

These sites include a database that allows you to look for doctors in your area within these organizations. I have even found my doctor using one of these sites.

Once you find someone in your area who piqued your interest, make sure they accept your insurance. Either by using your member portal, or they may have it listed on their page.

Find a Holistic Doctor Based Upon Your Needs

I would like to share something I have told my patients over the years: doctors are here for you.

They need you to even be able to practice their profession. There is power in knowing and fully understanding that.

When you ask your doctor a question, do not feel bad about it. You are not wasting their time, although some may act like it. They can be there because of you, their patient.

If you currently have a doctor, you feel you are not valued or are just another patient. I highly recommend for you start looking for another doctor.

I used to work at a hospital clinic. It amazed me how little some of my patients understood their issues. Many did not know why they were on their medications!

I used to take the time to answer their questions and explain things to them. This should have been explained to them by their diagnosing doctor.

I share this with you as someone who used to actively practice and work closely with other doctors. There is a disconnect sometimes between patients and their providing doctors. That type of relationship is harmful to you.

If you feel this is you, then I recommend you speak with your doctor to get a resolution or move on to another doctor. This process may not be easy, but you are worth the time and effort.

Be kind to yourself and give yourself the best you can provide. You deserve it!

Holistic Doctor or Not

Whether you stay with your current doctor or find a holistic doctor, remember that you are responsible for your health.

Your health comes down to you.

I think it is essential to take responsibility. It is up to you to ensure you are fully understanding and on top of your health status.

That means becoming more active if you are not already. Ask questions. Get answers. Work with your doctor to receive the best possible care.

If your current care is not working for you, do not be afraid to speak up and let your provider know.

They are there for you. If your doctor makes you feel like that is not valid, then it may be time to look for another doctor.